Service Benefits


Find suppliers and Consignees for any specialized or non-specialized cargo of interest around the world industry and track shipment records over certain period of time with volumes.


Increase profits by targeting high-rating customers moving large volumes on targeted ports and lanes. Analyze trade lanes on ports of view and report peak season high-rated lifting’s by country main ports.


Find new business opportunities among shippers and consignees within certain limits. Compare between several traders in same or different volume-rating manner. Evaluate best practices for cargo seasoning and trading lines.


Identify new potential customers located in specific area of interest. Track high-rates customers based on shipments records. Communicate easily with target customers with actual contacts.


Invade new markets with your product throughout monitoring world shipments records for specialized. cargo of interest for clearer view of world trading industry. Find new suppliers for your product or cargo from different countries we provide.


Focus on specific cargo, country trading lines and country peak season timings. Find new work opportunities in world markets with shippers and consignees data we provide.

Expand your trade around the world

International trade as a growth opportunity.

International trade is increasingly important to many growing businesses. It is equally attractive to both B2B and B2C firms. This session will shed light on what you need to know when expanding internationally. • International trade as a growth opportunity • A tool for hollow corporations • International franchising • Advantages and Disadvantages of International Trade • Common Mistakes Made in International Trade • Helpful Tools o Get advice from experts o Online resources o U.S. Government resources o Non-government resources

In most countries of the world, international trade represents an important share of the gross domestic product. In considering alternatives to grow your company, it will be worth investigating this accelerating trend which is the outcome of increasing industrialization, transportation and communication tools. You can follow the footsteps of large corporations that are already looking more beyond their country borders for growth. In many cases such as General Electric, Coca-Cola and Proctor and Gamble, offshore earnings are beginning to outstrip domestic profits.

Reach target markets

Start identifying your own target market.

You now need to give consideration to how you are going to reach your target audience. Having spent time on profiling your target market, you should find this step of the process much easier. To maximise your marketing investment, you need to fish where the fish are! Some simple examples – if your target audience are 25-35 year-old busy professionals, think about social media and online platforms, as these are mediums that this demographic actively engage with. Alternatively, if your products or services are aimed at 55-65 year-olds who are largely retired, you may want to opt for print publications that you know this demographic like to read. Whether you decide on online or offline advertising, remember to ask advertising managers for a breakdown of the demographic profile of their readers. This information will help you to make decisions about allocating your marketing funds effectively. Note also that no matter who your target audience are, you need to ensure that your content not only reaches them, but also engages with them (‘how to write engaging content’ is a topic for another day!).

Find reliable exporters

Find a Manufacturer or Supplier for Your Product.

However, time and time again, many entrepreneurs find themselves hitting a brick wall and losing momentum when it comes time to actually source products. Whether it be manufacturing your own product or finding suppliers to purchase wholesale from, they aren't always easy to find. In this post, we're going to look at the basics of sourcing a supplier for your next project. We will look at some places to search, how you should approach them and what to ask. There are several options, with the most common being:
A manufacturer to produce your own product idea.
A supplier, who may also be a manufacturer, wholesaler or distributor to purchase already existing brands and products.
A dropshipper to supply products and fulfill orders of already existing brands and products.

Promote logistics services

Best strategy for marketing Freight Forwarding services.

Build a freight forwarder having a successful operation and steady growth is just like performing it in almost any other business, specifically when it comes to the alignment of process, technology, and above all: People. To be able to succeed, freight forwarders owners must understand the complexity and variety of personal relationships in the industry, and they also exist to make value on the client. Communication between people and systems could cause delays and breakdowns, but if you're able to manipulate and take care of it, communication can be your strongest weapon growing.
* Analyze the market
* The Drive to Keep Your Eye On The Prize
* Motivate your team to have Perseverance
* Make some networking
* Work on your Sales Leads
* Invest in marketing
* Customer relationship: the key to independent freight forwarders sales boost
Global freightage services are the leader of cargo forwarding services will convey for you most advantageous transport and logistics that will ensure the secured and solid movement of things to our clients. Offering rail/road, air, and sea logistic services globally.

Insurance field

Use the dual tone schemes or mix them according to your needs.

It can be difficult for an agent just starting out with his or her own office to know where to start finding customers – and it’ll take a lot of hard work to get to a point where you have a steady flow of customers coming in the door. Here is the most important tip for getting off to a great start and creating lasting practices to help you achieve success which is target trading customers for cargo, vessel and containers insurance procedures which usualy is a must for a large scale of today shipment records.

Our Clients

  • Silex
  • Nestle
  • CAT
  • WARBABank
  • DBSchenker
  • DHL
  • Americana
  • Landmark
  • MAM
  • MARS
  • SILK
  • WholeFoods